Resources for Teaching Multimodal Writing,
Followed by Some Good Teaching Advice Links
Some Free Multimodal Composing Tools
Wix -- Easy to use site/service for creating visually rich Web sites.
Creativist -- Multimedia projects for apps, ebooks, and the Web.
Jing -- Easy to Use Screen Capture Software -- record up to five minutes of video by TechSmith
Audacity -- Sourceforge's fee recording and audio editing software
SoundCloud -- online audio recording and audion annotation of those recordings.
Jing -- Easy to Use Screen Capture Software -- record up to five minutes of video by TechSmith
Audacity -- Sourceforge's fee recording and audio editing software
SoundCloud -- online audio recording and audion annotation of those recordings.
Multimodal Theory and Practice
"Multimodal Instruction: Pedagogy and Practice for Enhancing Multimodal Composition
" by Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Tiffany Bourelle, Andrew Bourelle, and David Fisher at
TheJUMP: The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects, edited by Justin Hodgson
Kairos, A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, edited by Cheryl E. Ball
Arola, Kristin; Sheppard, Jennifer, & Ball, Cheryl E. (2014, Jan. 10). Multimodality as a frame for individual and institutional change. Hybrid Pedagogy. Retrieved from
A Pedagogy of Multi-Literacies: Concepts of Design, from The New London Group
Speaking with Students: Profiles in Digital Pedagogy interviews by Virginia Kuhn
Kairos, A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, edited by Cheryl E. Ball
Arola, Kristin; Sheppard, Jennifer, & Ball, Cheryl E. (2014, Jan. 10). Multimodality as a frame for individual and institutional change. Hybrid Pedagogy. Retrieved from
A Pedagogy of Multi-Literacies: Concepts of Design, from The New London Group
Speaking with Students: Profiles in Digital Pedagogy interviews by Virginia Kuhn
Because Digital Writing Matters by Danielle Nicole DeVoss, Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, and Troy Hicks
Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives -- OSU English and DMAC
Special Issue: Making the Implicit Explicit in Assessing Multimodal Composition, Technical Communication Quarterly, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2012, edited by Susan M. Katz and Lee Odell
Assessing Multimodal Compositions. Kent State Writing Program
Ed Tech's Assessment Page, includes rubrics and other ideas for assessing all kinds of digital projects
McKee, Heidi A., and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss DeVoss, Eds. Digital Writing Assessment & Evaluation. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press, 2013. Web.
Journet, Debra, Cheryl Ball, and Ryan Trauman, Eds. The New Work of Composing. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital P/Utah State UP, 2012. Web.
Borton, Sonya C., Brian Huot. "Responding and Assessing." Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers. Ed. Cynthia L. Selfe. Cresskill: Hampton Press, Inc., 2007. 99-111. (Word Doc)
"Ideological Foundations of Formative and Summative Assessment Processes in English 303: Visual Rhetoric and Document Design," by Kristen Dayle Welch, Longwood University -- a well-done conference paper account of one teacher's assessment choices for multimodal assignments used in her course.
Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives -- OSU English and DMAC
Special Issue: Making the Implicit Explicit in Assessing Multimodal Composition, Technical Communication Quarterly, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2012, edited by Susan M. Katz and Lee Odell
Assessing Multimodal Compositions. Kent State Writing Program
Ed Tech's Assessment Page, includes rubrics and other ideas for assessing all kinds of digital projects
McKee, Heidi A., and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss DeVoss, Eds. Digital Writing Assessment & Evaluation. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press, 2013. Web.
Journet, Debra, Cheryl Ball, and Ryan Trauman, Eds. The New Work of Composing. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital P/Utah State UP, 2012. Web.
Borton, Sonya C., Brian Huot. "Responding and Assessing." Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers. Ed. Cynthia L. Selfe. Cresskill: Hampton Press, Inc., 2007. 99-111. (Word Doc)
"Ideological Foundations of Formative and Summative Assessment Processes in English 303: Visual Rhetoric and Document Design," by Kristen Dayle Welch, Longwood University -- a well-done conference paper account of one teacher's assessment choices for multimodal assignments used in her course.
Liz Losh's YouTube Description of her Digital Rhetoric Course
From Bedford/St. Martin's, now an Imprint of Macmillan Education:

All of Andrea's BITs posts.
Everyday Writer 5e Student Center
Oral and Mutlimedia Presentations from Andrea's Students
ix visualizing composition 2.0, 2e by Cheryl Ball and Kristin Arola
Writer/Designer: A Guide to Making Multimodal Projects by Kristin L. Arola, Jennifer Sheppard, and Cheryl E. Ball. (see citation below from authors in Hybrid Pedagogy for theoretical framework that informs this book.)
Integrating Multimodality into Your Teaching by Danielle Nicole DeVoss, Michigan State
Sample Chapter from Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Write by Elizabeth Losh, Jonathan Alexander, Kevin Cannon, and Zander Cannon. (Chapter 4: Argument, Beyond Pro and Con -- not about multimodal composition, but useful as a prelude to the video below, which explores how multimodal projects can radically alter the writing/creative process.)
The Making of Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing by Bedford/St. Martin's
Sample Chapter from Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Write by Elizabeth Losh, Jonathan Alexander, Kevin Cannon, and Zander Cannon. (Chapter 4: Argument, Beyond Pro and Con -- not about multimodal composition, but useful as a prelude to the video below, which explores how multimodal projects can radically alter the writing/creative process.)
The Making of Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing by Bedford/St. Martin's
Andrea Lunsford on the Myths of Digital Literacy:
Paul Krebs's "Next Time, Fail Better."
"Start Where Your Students Are." and "Know Where Your Students are Going," chapters 1 and 2 from
Never Work Harder than Your Students & Other Principles of Great Teaching by Robyn R. Jackson.
Peter Elbow. "Ranking, Evaluating, Liking: Sorting Out Three Forms of Judgment." College English 55.2 (1994): 187-206. Available at:
Peg Syverson, "The Five (or Six) Dimensions of Learning," Learning Record Online at
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