Saturday, June 02, 2012

Links for BRAWN

These are a collection of links which may, or may not, prove useful for our discussion today. They're here so they're at hand.

NY Times on children's books on the iPad
Books in the Age of the iPad by Craig Mod:

College Students and Technology by Smith, Rainie, and Zickuhr from PEW Internet and American Life Project:
(Note the low levels, still, of e-book reader devices. See also:

However, e-reading is on the rise, says a recent PEW study:

Aside: NEA 2007 study on reading -- (scroll to page 8 to learn that "65% of college freshmen read for pleasure for less than an hour per week or not at all.")

Buy Print, Rent Print, or E-book, a student view -

Evolution of the E-book: When Is a Book Not a Book? By Mathew Ingram in Business Week at

Re:Writing Plus from Bedford/St. Martin's for IX peek:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Writing Pedagogy 2.0 @ UCI: Links, Links, Links

From the Web


Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing:

CCCC Statement on Teaching in Digital Settings:

Doug Hesse on Whether Computers Should Grade Writing:

NCTE - WPA White Paper on Writing Assessment:

The Online Learning Record by Peg Syverson:


Teaching with Technology from The Writing Studio @ CSU:

Teaching Writing w/ Technology from Montclair State's Center for Writing Excellence:

Teaching Writing Online by Scott Warnock: (sample chapter available)

Traci Gardner's Lists of Ten:

Using Technology for Education from CMU:

Sample: A Framework for Teaching with Twitter by Mark Sample:

A quick overview of online bibliography tools:

Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching Writing: It's not just in colleges -

Confessions of a Committed Technofile by Shelley Rodrigo

From Bedford/St. Martin's

Teaching with Technology:

Eli Peer Review: