Monday, August 08, 2016

WVU & Teaching w/ Technology

Stuff on Teaching

Position Statements - National Council of Teachers of English - Two Year College Association

Guidelines for the Academic Preparation of English Faculty at Two Year Colleges

 Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning, James Lang
Robynn K. Shannon, Ph.D., of Fairmont State University, wrote this recommendation: 
[James Lang has a series of posts] in The Chronicle of Higher Education on small changes that faculty can make to their teaching to improve learning in their courses, you will be pleased to know that the series has now been compiled on a single page of the Chronicle web site:   
If you are not familiar with Lang’s writings on teaching and learning, these pieces for The Chronicle are a great place to start. 
Earlier this year, Lang’s most recent book, Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning, was published by Jossey-Bass:,miniSiteCd-JBHIGHERED.html.  

Why Don't Students Like School?: A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom
by Daniel T. Willingham 

Willingham also has a collection of articles on cognition and learning at

If you visit that page, these might be helpful in your planning:
  • Why practice is important
  • Why people love and remember stories
  • How to teach critical thinking
  • Why reading comprehension strategies are less useful than most people think
  • Can Reading Comprehension Be Taught? 

“Inventing the University” by David Bartholomae

"Next Time, Fail Better" by Paul M. Krebs

Stuff on Technology

 Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository
from The University of Central Florida's (UCF) Center for Distributed Learning (CDL)

Teaching Resources for Writing @ Colostate's Writing Studio