Sunday, August 21, 2016

UNR, MLA, & OFS (Other Fun Stuff)

Resources We May Reference

An MLA Update FAQ from Bedford/St. Martin's via Macmillan Community:

Citation Management Software Guides, University of Nevada Reno Library

How to Cite a Cereal Box using MLA by Martine Courant Rife*
*Note, this is for an older version of MLA, but still worth showing. Students can apply its lessons/method to the current version.

The Citation Project -- Rebecca Moore Howard and Sandra Jamieson

Plagiarism 101: Resources for Faculty

 “Inventing the University” by David Bartholomae (Journal of Basic Writing)

"Next Time, Fail Better" by Paul M. Krebs (Chronicle of Higher Education)

“Conquering the Freshman Fear of Failure by David L. Kirp (NY Times)

Carol Dweck -- The power of believing that you can improve, a Ted Talk.

James Lang on teaching transfer:

See also by Lang, Small Teaching:Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning.,miniSiteCd-JBHIGHERED.html

Daniel Willingham on understanding transfer:
"Why Transfer is Hard." -- from his collection of online articles on how students learn at

Robyn R. Jackson on the first two steps on not working harder than your students:
"Start Where Your Students Are." and "Know Where Your Students are Going," chapters 1 and 2 from her book, Never Work Harder than Your Students & Other Principles of Great Teaching.

Barbara Fister 
Her IHE Blog, Library Babel Fish

"Teaching the Rhetorical Dimensions of Research," Research Strategies 11.4 (Fall 1993): 211-219.