Thursday, August 19, 2010

USF Resources

From Style Workshops -- Book's mentioned

The Craft of Revision by Donald Murray

Revising Prose by Richard Lanham

Style: An Anti-Textbook by Richard Lanham

A Rhetoric of Pleasure by T.R. Johnson

Books that Came Up in Circle Talk

The Origins of Composition Studies in the American College, 1875–1925 by John Brereton

Writing With Power by Peter Elbow

Transition to College Writing by Keith Hjortshoj

The Bedford Researcher 3e by Mike Palmquist

FieldWorking 3e  by Bonnie Stone Sunstein and Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater

Circle Talk Websites
The Legend of the Intern Who Ate for Free, inspired by the intrepid group from another meeting that finished off the buffet lunch.
Plagiarism and Computers: Fun Ways to Take Control of the Issue gives you annotated links addressing plagiarism, a topic that came up for a bit in the circle talk. This includes the syllabus statement on plagiarism I described at page called "Talking About Plagiarism."
Teaching Central from Bedford/St. Martin's, the place to go to get more  professional resource books and to request exam copies of textbooks.

Peer Review Resources
Peer review--students commenting on students writing--is one of the most beneficial things you can do in any course where there's writing. But it's a skill that has to be taught. A program such as CompClass's Writing Tab helps make Peer Review easier to teach because it makes peer review visible; it makes it possible for you as a teacher to see what students are doing. Here are some other Peer Review Activities you can use:

Advice on Giving and Using Peer Reviews

Peer review exercises from Peter Elbow's and Pat Belanoff's Sharing and Responding, (New York: Random House, 1989):
  • Reading Outloud, the virtue of simply sharing for sharing's sake.
  • Center of Gravity, where you describe the focal point of the paper.
  • Believing/Doubting, where you support, then challenge, a writer's ideas.
  • Say Back, where you recall as much as you can based on what the writer wrote.
  • Metaphor, where you describe a paper in 'other' terms.

Other Popular and Useful Peer Review Activities
  • Nutshelling, where you reveal the essence of a thought.
  • Reading for Flow, helping writers share their logic and the connections their minds' make.
  • Hovering, where you describe what's almost said or one the verge of being expressed.
  • Requirements, making sure the paper meets requirements.
  • Proof Reading, serving as your classmate's eyes.
  • Reviewing Reviews, a group activity where you meet with other writers to talk about peer reviews received.

See also Colorado State University's Writing Center's excellent advice and suggestions for peer review at

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